Episode 6

Published on:

4th Aug 2022

Tiffany Taylor, ADHD/OCD Super Coach

Tiffany Taylor is a Global Speaker, Coach + Mentor for powerful business leaders. She can make any highly-effective CEO collapse their financial trajectory by becoming so effective they never have to use a to-do list again – even if they have ADHD. She helps clients reclaim up to 40 hours of their week, so they can refocus on intentionally structuring their growth and their brand story. Her private clients generally 3-5X their revenue in under 6 months while feeling supported in fully embodying the most successful, future version of themselves.



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Mentioned in this episode:

ADHD Course

Join us for the first run of the Successful ADHD Entrepreneur Course starting April 20th. Learn about mindset, systems, processes, and tools that Michael Whitehouse uses to make people think he's really organized. First session limited to 20 students, so apply now.

ADHD Course

ADHD Course

Join us for the first run of the Successful ADHD Entrepreneur Course starting April 20th. Learn about mindset, systems, processes, and tools that Michael Whitehouse uses to make people think he's really organized. First session limited to 20 students, so apply now.

ADHD Course

Show artwork for Neurodiversity Superpowers of Autism, ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia, and other unique brains

About the Podcast

Neurodiversity Superpowers of Autism, ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia, and other unique brains
Success born of Autism, ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia, and all forms of unique brains
For two decades, I believed that my ADHD was a disability. Only at the age of 41 would I come to realize that my ADHD was an incredible asset, and when I leaned into that, I achieved greater success than ever before. ADHD is the engine behind my own success as a networker and coach. Over the past few years, I have spoken with thousands of entrepreneurs, and found that many of them have some kind of neurodiverse diagnosis. ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, OCD, and more. Like me, for many of them, their neurodiversity is indeed the very source of their success. On this show, we will the change the narrative on neurodiversity. I've heard enough about the challenges and hard it can be. I want to hear about how awesome we are. It's time to start talking about how our neurodiversity can be an asset for ourselves, our communities, and our businesses. It's time to start talking about neurodiversity superpowers.

On this show, you will meet dozens of people who are successful because of, not in spite of, their neurodiversity. You will be inspired. You be educated. You will be excited.

I invite you to join me in learned about the world of Neurodiversity Superpowers.

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About your host

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Michael Whitehouse